16а. «Urban Culture. Theatrical and musical life in Petrozavodsk at the end of the ХIХ and beginning of the ХХ centuries

If visitors to a museum want to hear famous performers of folk songs and romances, or if you want to take a photograph in an old-fashioned interior, you can visit the hall “Urban Culture at the end of the ХIХ and beginning of the ХХ centuries” which tells about the cultural life of the city.

Home theatres, cinemas, musical and literary evenings, and concerts by theatre and music lovers were popular in the town as early as the first half of the XIX century. Residents took part in performances of amateur orchestras in the Summer and Public Garden, sang in the choir, read with accompaniment literary works of popular authors and put on performances at home. In the exhibition hall there is a complex, which is a conditional space of home interiors with objects of theatrical and musical life.

The townsfolk also enjoyed visiting the Karl Johansson photo studio. He was the best photographer not only in the city but in the whole region. Even today, visitors to the museum can see photos of this master, sit on antique chairs, and try on costumes specially prepared for photography, as was the custom in similar places 150 years ago.